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Director Recruitment and Nominations

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The Governance & Nominations Committee works hard to find qualified candidates for our Board. The Seeking Qualified Candidates period for the 2022 Board of Directors election closed at 12pm PST December 3, 2021. The term of the CEO (non-independent) was also up for re-election in 2022.

The Governance & Nominations Committee’s key roles is to prepare a board composition matrix that identifies the optimal mix of skills and experience required on the Board. Every year, this matrix is revisited to identify any gaps or additional areas where skills and expertise may be needed.

The Governance & Nominations Committee conducts the director nomination and election process by inviting applications from the membership and the community at large. Using the board composition matrix, the Committee develops and publishes an Ideal Candidate Description and assesses potential candidates’ experiences and background against the Description. The Governance & Nominations Committee also works with an independent consultant who specializes in corporate governance and board recruitment to identify the best talent available for our Board.

Once the best candidates have been identified and screened, the Governance & Nominations Committee recommends those candidates who best align with the Description and the overall needs of the Board to the membership. These recommendations are the outcome of the detailed assessment performed on our members’ behalf and are provided for information as members consider their voting choices. Each year, a complete election package profiling all candidates is provided to members.

Members vote in the spring and results are announced at the Annual General Meeting.
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