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INTERAC® Direct Payment

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The next time you reach for your wallet to pay for a purchase, pull out your Coast Capital Savings debit card and use Interac® Direct Payment.

Interac Direct Payment security

Interac Direct Payment is secured by a confidential Personal Identification Number (PIN) and Interac Direct Payment does not give the retailer any information about you other than that which is necessary to complete the transaction.

Interac Direct Payment daily limit

The total daily limit for Interac Direct Payments/point-of-sale transactions is $3,000 on all Coast Capital Savings chequing and savings accounts.

This limit has been put in place because of fraud in the financial services industry. For the most part, large debit transactions are infrequent and a reduced limit provides added protection to our members from debit card fraud.

If you have any other questions or concerns about our point of sale daily limit, please call us us at 1.888.517.7000 or visit your nearest branch for more information.

® Trade-Mark of Interac Inc. Used under licence.

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