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Registered Retirement
Investment Fund (RRIF)

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Grow your savings. Grow your savings.
RRIFs earn money from investments, similar to RRSPs. That means you can grow your money and keep earning income, even after you retired.
Maximum flexibility. Maximum flexibility.
RRIFs offer the most control over investments in your retirement plan, so you can grow your money how and where you want.
Tax-free growth. Tax-free growth.
The money you make on your RRIF investments isn't taxed, similar to RRSPs. You only pay income tax on the money that's withdrawn from the fund for income.
Transparency Transparency
We will simplify complicated financial jargon and offer clear advice so you truly understand your finances. 

Retire with confidence.

When you turn 71, the money you have saved in your RRSP needs to be either cashed-in or reinvested into other funds. Moving that money into a RRIF allows you to keep growing your savings while living the retired life you planned for by withdrawing monthly income.

  • Keep receiving income even after you retire with money you've saved already
  • Continue growing your money with the choice to invest some or all of the savings in your RRIF
  • Feel confident knowing you can afford the retirement you planned
  • Minimal annual withdrawal requirement
  • No withdrawal limit
  • Investments are tax deferred and tax is paid only on the amounts withdrawn from the RRIF

Book an appointment online or call our dedicated Investment Team at 1.888.517.7000.

Retire with confidence.

When you turn 71, the money you have saved in your RRSP needs to be either cashed-in or reinvested into other funds. Moving that money into a RRIF allows you to keep growing your savings while living the retired life you planned for by withdrawing monthly income.

  • Keep receiving income even after you retire with money you've saved already
  • Continue growing your money with the choice to invest some or all of the savings in your RRIF
  • Feel confident knowing you can afford the retirement you planned
  • Minimal annual withdrawal requirement
  • No withdrawal limit
  • Investments are tax deferred and tax is paid only on the amounts withdrawn from the RRIF

Book an appointment online or call our dedicated Investment Team at 1.888.517.7000.

Real advice for your life.

What is a RRIF and how does it work?
By the end of the year you turn 71, your RRSPs need to convert to a RRIF. Not exactly sure what that means? We’ve got you covered—read on to find out.
5 Tips for Financial Well-being in Retirement
There's no time like the present to learn how to make an RRSP a part of your retirement plan. Your future self will thank you.
How much money do you need to retire?
It's never too early or late to discuss retirement savings. So, how much do you need? Short answer: It depends. Long answer: read the post to find out.
Ready to retire your way?
Our Investment Team can help you figure out the best financial plan for your retirement goals.
Call us at 1.888.517.7000 Mon-Fri, 8am-8pm; Sat, 8am-5pm.

CDIC Deposit ProtectionCDIC Deposit Protection

Coast Capital Savings Federal Credit Union is a member of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC). More CDIC information

Coast Capital Savings Federal Credit Union provides advice and service related to deposit, loan and mortgage products. Coast Capital Wealth Management Ltd. provides investment and financial planning services. Coast Capital Financial Management Ltd. provides advice and service related to segregated funds, annuities and life insurance products. Worldsource Financial Management Inc. provides advice and service relating to mutual funds. Mutual fund values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses may all be related with mutual fund investments. Important information about mutual funds is contained in the relevant fund facts and simplified prospectus. Please read the fund facts carefully before investing. Only deposits payable in Canada are eligible to be insured under the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Act.

The Low-fee, More-for-me Mutual Funds® are managed by SEI Investments Canada Company. Worldsource Financial Management provides mutual funds and services. Mutual fund values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be related with mutual fund investments. Please read the Fund Facts carefully before investing.

Tons of retirement investment options, 
all under one roof.

A Registered Retirement Income Plan (RRIF) is a retirement income fund registered with the government. It provides you with income during your retirement while sheltering the balance from the tax man. An RRSP must be converted to an RRIF by December 31 of the year in which you turn 71 to convert your RRSP to an income-generating plan. You can't put money directly into an RRIF. Instead, you can transfer funds in from your savings in an RRSP, another RRIF, a Registered Pension Plan, or a commuted RRSP Annuity.

Your RRIF account can hold any type of investment product like the ones listed below. And since how you invest is just as important as how much you invest, our skilled planning team is here to help understand your individual needs and goals so you have the right portfolio mix.

What type of product are you interested in?

Coast Capital® Mutual Funds

What is it?

  • Our family of funds with lower fees, designed to be simple, affordable and conservatively managed

Why could it be right for you?

  • You're looking for medium to long-term growth
  • You want simplified options
  • You're looking for low fees
  • You want to know your portfolio is being professionally managed to keep your investment goals on track

Additional Mutual Funds

What is it?

  • A selection of professionally managed, diversified funds

Why could it be right for you?

  • You want to know your portfolio is being professionally managed to keep your investment goals on track

Segregated Funds

What is it?

  • Investment funds that guarantee all or a portion of your principal at death, regardless of market value; a good option for estate planning

Why could it be right for you?

  • You want to grow your investments
  • You want to maximize the value of your estate for your beneficiaries

Safe Bet, No Sweat™
Market-Linked Term Deposits

What is it?

  • Offers 1,3, or 5 year terms
  • Minimum $500 investment
  • Initial investment is guaranteed

Why could it be right for you?

  • You want to keep your initial investment
  • You want to gain low-risk exposure to the global or Canadian financial stock markets

Non-redeemable GICs

What is it?

  • Offers short and long-term options, from 30 days to 5 years
  • Minimum $500 investment
  • Redeemable at maturity

Why could it be right for you?

  • You want to choose exact term length
  • You want income from the interest on your investments

1-Year Redeemable GICs

What is it?

  • Offers flexibility for one year
  • Minimum $500 investment
  • Redeemable any time (with full accrued interest after 30 days)

Why could it be right for you?

  • You want access to your savings
  • You want to start savings but aren't sure which investment is best for you

Better-than-cash® GICs

What is it?

  • Offers flexibility for one year
  • Minimum $500 investment
  • Redeemable any time (with full accrued interest after 6 months)

Why could it be right for you?

  • You want access to your savings, but you still want a competitive rate
  • You want to start savings but aren't sure which investment to choose

Rising Rate GICs

What is it?

  • Offers a rate that escalates each year
  • Available for 3 or 7 years
  • Minimum $500 investment
  • Redeemable on each term anniversary without penalty

Why could it be right for you?

  • You're saving for the long term
  • You want the flexibility of redeeming your money annually
  • You're rewarded with long-term savings with higher interest rates every year